Partners, Suppliers, and Key Resources

The G Box Diner is a Sole Proprietorship. We receive all of our products from local suppliers such as the Calgary Farmer's Market and Slow Food Calgary for produce and meat, and  Earth's Oven Gluten Free Bakery for baking supplies.The more business we do with these local suppliers, the more we can do for our community.

Calgary has a number of profitable and reliable local suppliers that we can order our food from, and because we are a Sole Proprietorship we rely on all of our local suppliers to bring us top quality produce, poultry, and baked goods for the G Box Diner.

Key Resources

Our key physical resources are the products we receive from our local suppliers and producers in order to execute our company's value proposition of providing 100% gluten free local and organic foods to those seeking a delicious and healthy meal.

Our key intellectual resource is the proprietary knowledge we have as owners. Another key intellectual resource is the 100% Gluten-free brand we have created around the G Box Diner.

Our key human resources are the owners who have a vast knowledge of the industry, our expert chef's who can create the delicious menus and meals for all of our customers, all of our local producers and suppliers, and our marketing team who will get the word out to everyone about the G Box Diner.

Our key financial resources are the funds provided by the owners and all of our Angel investors.

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