Our minimum viable products feature set is going to be built to discover if there is a need for a gluten free diner in the Calgary area. We need to create a way to measure and test our hypothesis with the least about of resources being used. We need to understand what the customers wants or needs, or if they even know what they want? Can we create a market and demand for something that doesn't really exist specifically?
We do not have a specific feature set because we are a service provider.
We do not need a prototype approach because we are a diner/service provider and not a product.

Three hypothesis that the MVP feature set is based on:

  1. That there is a demand for a gluten free diner in Calgary.
  2. That non Celiac sufferers will eat gluten free and not know the difference.
  3. That gluten free is preferred for both health and taste reasons. 
Validation Tests:

  1. Interview GF(gluten free) bakeries and restaurants (Lakeview Bakery, Big Star bakehouse, OEB, Dairy Lane, Dairy Lane) Notes will be taken and conclusions will be drawn about the gluten free market and how it is changing in Calgary. Allow us to get information from gluten free bakeries and restaurants that are currently in business and know what the market trends currently are. 
  2. Do a taste test similar to "pepsi challenge." Set up a stand at markets around the city and provide customers with two samples of muffins or cookies, one GF and one not (Community, Kingsland, Sunterra, Planet Organic) Tally the results and see if people could really tell the difference, also gain information about GF products and what it is that people usually don't like about them. This will also get our name out their and will allow us to start building relationships with potential customers. 
  3. Interview customers at specifically GF friendly establishments around Calgary (Lakeview Bakery, Una, Candela, OEB) Find out why customers are purchasing gluten free products and if it is always for an allergy requirement, or if it just preference, or if they just "feel better" when they eat GF.

  1. This will allow us to see what these gluten free bakeries and restaurants currently offer and will also allow us to find out exactly what is going on in the gluten free market. These are super important to figure out, because we need to make sure we are entering a growing market and not a dying market. If we are entering a growing market then at least we can figure that out before we spend a large sum of money on our restaurant. 
  2. This will allow us to see if people actually like the taste of gluten free food. It will also show us if our potential customers change their minds about the taste of gluten free food. By doing this when we open our restaurant we will be able to offer our customers great tasting food and not have to worry as much about customers being disappointed in the taste. Many people stay away from gluten free foods because of their taste and we will be able to experiment with different recipes to find better tasting meals that are gluten free.
  3. This will allow us to find out which type of people we should be targeting. Should we only be targeting people who are celiacs? or should we be targeting everyone? should we be targeting people who are looking to eat healthier? Would it be a good thing to do some marketing at health stores? If we wanted to do this we could make a deal where we promote their health store at our restaurant and in exchange they promote our service at their health store. This will allow us to not waste time on targeting the wrong people and will potentially increase our overall target market. 


  1. ok.. so I think that the first hypothesis is bang on. We have to determine if there is a demand for a gluten free diner in Calgary. As we discussed this would be a value hypothesis.
    For the second one, I think we need to have one around a production hypothesis. We need to determine that we can actually make gluten free food that everyone will enjoy. We could also address the cost of production for GF products compared to non GF. This could be a deciding factor if people are not willing to pay more for GF products. This will also enable us to target a much broader range of people. This could be done by a taste test, "pepsi challenge"
    For the other hypothesis, I think we need to look at a growth hypothesis. We need to address how we are going to target the gluten free population in Calgary and how we are going to get our customer base to grow. This could be done through targeting GF meetings and health stores, maybe farmers markets? or online blogs? facebook? We need to figure out how we can specifically target our niche markets, from Celiac sufferers, individuals with intolerances, or just the general public that want a healthy alternative for breakfast and lunch.

    At the end if it all is it really worth making a specifically gluten free diner? Think cost = value = waste

  2. Our minimum viable products feature set is going to be built to discover if there is a need for a gluten free diner in the Calgary area. We need to create a way to measure and test our hypothesis with the least about of resources being used. We need to understand what the customers wants or needs, or if they even know what they want? Can we create a market and demand for something that doesn't really exist specifically?

    Three hypothesis that the MVP feature set is based on:

    1) That there is a demand for a gluten free diner in Calgary. (Value hypothesis)
    2) That non Celiac sufferers will eat gluten free and enjoy it, even though it costs more. (Production hypothesis)
    3) That the gluten free market does exist in Calgary and the demand is growing. (Growth hypothesis)

    Validation Tests:

    1. Interview GF(gluten free) bakeries and restaurants (Lakeview Bakery, Big Star bakehouse, OEB, Dairy Lane, Dairy Lane) Notes will be taken and conclusions will be drawn about the gluten free market and how it is changing in Calgary. Allow us to get information from gluten free bakeries and restaurants that are currently in business and know what the market trends currently are.
    2. Do a taste test similar to "pepsi challenge." Set up a stand at markets around the city and provide customers with two samples of muffins or cookies, one GF and one not (Community, Kingsland, Sunterra, Planet Organic) Tally the results and see if people could really tell the difference, also gain information about GF products and what it is that people usually don't like about them. This will also get our name out their and will allow us to start building relationships with potential customers.
    3. Go online and create a gluten free forum to help us understand the gluten free market and what the current demand is like. Interview customers at specifically GF friendly establishments around Calgary (Lakeview Bakery, Una, Candela, OEB) Find out why customers are purchasing gluten free products and if it is always for an allergy requirement, or if it just preference, or if they just "feel better" when they eat GF.


    1.This will allow us to see what these gluten free bakeries and restaurants currently offer and will also allow us to find out exactly what is going on in the gluten free market. These are super important to figure out, because we need to make sure we are entering a growing market and not a dying market. If we are entering a growing market then at least we can figure that out before we spend a large sum of money on our restaurant.
    2.This will allow us to see if people actually like the taste of gluten free food. It will also show us if our potential customers change their minds about the taste of gluten free food. By doing this when we open our restaurant we will be able to offer our customers great tasting food and not have to worry as much about customers being disappointed in the taste. Doing this test will also enable us to understand the market and determine if individuals are willing to pay more for the GF products. We could even ask for a price range for what they think the GF food is worth, keeping in mind that there would be Celiac sufferers and individuals who are not gluten intolerant.
    3. Creating a blog online will create awareness for the GF community. The information that we will gather from this blog will be extremely important to determine if it is worth opening The Box. We need to interview customers that have a GF intolerance or Celiac disease to understand how we are going to target them specifically in Calgary. Are they sporty? Where do they go? How can we continue our customer growth once the diner opens. (new channels)

  3. MVP #2

    Our new hypothesis that we are going to be testing:

    4. Brand hypothesis: Does the diner want to be know as a delicious diner (that is GF), or a 100% GF diner that is delicious. We need to discover if there is already a stigma associated with GF and what it means. Do customers make a connection that GF is delicious or un flavourful?

    Validation test: Have a table set up selling muffins, one week say "100% Gluten Free Muffins" and the next week have the same test set up with the same muffins but say "Tasty Muffins"

    Rationelle: We need to compare the number of muffins sold each week. We also need to ask a set of questions to discover what peoples thoughts are around GF, is there any negative stigma attached? Does the word GF deter people from purchasing products without actually trying them. If so, is there a way that we can change this? When people buy the muffins that are just labeled "Tasty Muffins" and then find out that they are GF does this make them question other products in a good way because they couldn't taste the difference?
