Monday, 1 April 2013

Power Point Slides

We created a diner that offers 100% Gluten-Free food that eliminates that possibility of cross-contamination for celiac sufferers.

Problem Solver/Opportunity
There are currently no 100% Guten-Free restaurants in Calgary. We have created a diner that completely eliminates cross-contamination, making life easier for celiac's and gluten intolerant individuals.

Target Customer
Our target customers are individuals who are celiac, gluten intolerant, and people looking for a healthier alternative. We are going to reach them through the Gluten-Free Expo, Taste of Calgary, Lilac festival, Sun Festival, and the Body Soul & Spirit Expo.

Business Model
Poeple who are celiac and gluten intolerant wil be willing to pay more to avoid cross-contamination. By year 2 we will have 2 Calgary locations, and in year 3 we will have 3 calgary locations and 1 in Edmonton. By year 4 we will have another location in Edmonton and Vancouver and by year 5 expand to 3 Vancouver locations, 1 Toronto, and 1 Montreal having a total of 10 locations by year 5.  In 10 years we will have more locations in surrounding cites, have a Gluten-Free Calgary food truck, and sell our products wholesale to local food markets.